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Mergers & Acquisition

Mergers & acquisition (M&A) activity in the financial services sector in the region is experiencing growth as the largest and the most global financial institutions exit markets and create opportunities for local and regional players to grow their footprint domestically and regionally.

Our Capability

GBC brings extensive experience in all phases of M&A:

Strategy - The strategic rationale of successful transactions is a function of motivation. Are there opportunities for significant synergy? Is there a strategic opportunity to expand an institution’s franchise in a geographic market? An objective analysis of such factors is crucial in committing to a major decision. The GBC team brings decades of experience in developing M&A strategies for financial institutions.

Execution - The execution of a merger is essential to fulfilling a sound strategy. Due diligence, valuation and share purchase agreement negotiation represent major steps which most management teams have little experience. GBC Associates have hands-on experience of executing M&A transactions for some of the largest international and GCC financial institutions.

Post-Merger Integration (PMI) - The complexity of the PMI process is often underestimated. The completion of a sound transaction can become unsound if management action lacks commitment during the PMI phase. It is also easy to lose touch with the customer while facing the challenges of integrating two businesses.

GBC works closely with management to ensure this phase is effectively completed. We develop a detailed integration plan that includes the organizational structure and human resource allocation, technology, and cultural issues.

Representative Assignments

The following examples illustrate how the GBC team provides mergers and acquisition support to its clients:

Cross-Border Regional/ International Acquisition

Post-Merger Integration